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School Closure - Learning at Home
Dear Parents & Carers,
We have thought very hard about how best to support the continuing education of your child whilst school is closed owing to the heating issues.
Your child's class teacher will set work for the class on Class Dojo. It will include a Math's activity, an English activity and one other activity.
Your child must also read their reading book and practise their times tables every day.
It is extremely important that you and your child go on Class Dojo EVERY week day.
It will be our main point of contact with you.
If you need to message class teachers, please do so between the hours of 9am - 3pm.
It is especially important that you keep your child safe online. Please use the resources below to help you with this.
You will need to be able to access Class Dojo, as well as the following websites:
Please see the list of free websites and apps below.
You could use these with your child, in addition to Class Dojo.